Who we are?
The ‘LIFE – FOODPRINT’ project addresses the environmental problem of food loss or waste. The project aims to bridge the gap between awareness and behaviour of key stakeholders about the environmental problem of food waste in Cyprus. Food waste is one of the biggest problems when it comes to sustainable consumption and waste management, therefore raising awareness will contribute in changing the perceptions and fostering the adoption of environmentally friendly behaviours and practices among the targeted audiences. The project is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union.
FOODprint achievements in numbers
people were reached through all the project activities and dissemination campaign.
stakeholders, such as businesses, professionals, students, teachers, local authorities, young people, organised groups, demonstrated behavioural change.
children took part in educational lessons on food waste.
professionals and students in the catering and hospitality sector took part in training seminars.
persons improved their capacity or knowledge due to project activities such as consultations, trainings, seminars and other events. 15% reduction in food loss in the production-processing-feeding chain.
Food waste per year from EU Food industry
reduction in waste generated from food waste by businesses and consumers.

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The Project Team
Awareness - raising campaign to prevent and manage food waste among consumers, the food and hospitality industries. The project is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union. Any communication or publication related to the project, reflects only the author’s view and the European commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.