29 September – World Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day

A landmark day for the FOODprint campaign
29 September is a landmark day for the nationwide campaign to reduce food waste “FOODprint. This day has been designated internationally as World Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day and urges the world to think and act: on a planet with an abundance of food, 690 million people continue to go hungry and 3 billion cannot afford healthy food.
The UN is deeply concerned and calls on all states to recommit to Sustainable Development Goal 2, which calls for zero hunger, and Goal 12, which calls for halving food waste and loss by 2030.n Food loss and waste also wastes natural resources – water, land and energy. It exacerbates climate change given the important role of agriculture in generating greenhouse gas emissions.
The FOODprint campaign is leading the way in Cyprus to change the attitudes and behaviour of citizens and businesses. The campaign is co-funded by the European Commission under the Life+ programme.
We are promoting in Cyprus the pan-European targets for reducing food waste in a period characterised by food insecurity in developed countries such as EU Member States and shortages of basic goods in the developing world.
Our messages are consistent – see our videos at the link:
Consumers can shop carefully, store food properly and make good use of leftovers. Businesses can adopt good practices.
All FOODprint campaign activities are promoted on our website, in audiovisual messages and events.
The suggestions and solutions we propose can be found in the link:
#Foodwaste #Zerohunger
UN webinar
On the occasion of the “International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day”, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is organizing a webinar on 29 September under the slogan “Stop Food Loss and Waste. For people. For the planet.”
There will be interpretation in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, French and Spanish.
Click here to register: