Η ΕΚΣΤΡΑΤΕΙΑ FOODprint σε πλήρη εξέλιξη – Δικτύωση και μεταφορά γνώσεων στην Κύπρο και στην Ευρώπη

A series of activities for networking with stakeholders in Cyprus and the rest of Europe, knowledge transfer and exchange of good practices was organised during the months from October to December by the FOODprint campaign for the reduction of food waste in Cyprus.
In the events held in the form of online meetings, the FOODprint campaign presented its communication strategy, its main products and its main results in order to be further exploited in the respective Life projects and in urban waste management and circular economy initiatives.
In particular, there was a specific analysis of how FOODprint used the media, the systematic promotion of activities during the campaign and the methodology for mobilising stakeholders to own the objectives and results. In particular, the FOODprint TV messages, the findings of the consumer and business surveys, the online tools created, such as the Collaboration Platform and the Waste Calculator, the dissemination of the Good Practice Guides, etc. were presented.
The meetings with stakeholders of strategic Life projects of Cyprus – IP Zero WASTE “Smart monitoring and effective waste reduction in Cyprus” and Greece – IP Circular Economy CEI-Greece “Implementation of the Circular Economy in Greece” and Slovenia IP Care for Climate proved to be of great importance.The Zero Waste project of Cyprus will be fully developed in the coming years, taking over the “baton” from FOODprint and will emphasize overall waste management in view of the full implementation of the “pay as you throw” legislation. It was agreed that there will be further collaborations early in the New Year for follow-up and knowledge transfer. Similar collaborations will be developed with the large IP Circular Economy in Greece, which is implementing similar activities.
At the same time, a special online meeting was organized in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the Secondary Technical Education and with the participation of the educational coordinators in the hotel sector in cooperation with the Ministry of Education. The stakeholders agreed to remain in close cooperation, in light of the experiences gained from FOODprint, the linking of green consciousness with the professional careers of young cooks and the introduction of activities to reduce food waste in technical schools.
A special feature was the online meeting with chefs in collaboration with the Cyprus Chefs Association – CAC as the Italian project Life – Smart Chefs for Climate was also presented with the contribution of the FOODprint campaign. SAK is particularly interested in quality cuisine based on modern waste reduction approaches and will develop their relationship with the Italians.
Online meetings were also held with other organisations abroad such as WasteLess in the Netherlands which promotes innovative approaches to waste reduction in supermarkets and the citizens’ initiative in Athens Zero Waste.
See the results of the FOODprint campaign
More information:
Kyriakos Pierides, Journalist, FOODprint Campaign
Email: [email protected] | Tel: +357 96387498