The FOODprint campaign organises specific activities aimed at transferring knowledge, replicating and sharing experiences within the European Union and promoting recommendations, good practices and solutions to stakeholders to better manage food waste.

Through these activities, the FOODprint campaign seeks to build on the knowledge gained by studying other LIFE projects and initiatives to reduce food waste in Europe and internationally.

At the same time, the FOODprint campaign promotes its own experiences and good practices during the implementation of the project to stakeholders in Europe and Cyprus.

These activities are developed in the form of online and other events.

Events with Life+ projects

The webinar meeting took place on 3/12/2020

Material for consumers:

Reduce food waste at home: learn how to shop (leaflet)

LIFE – Food Waste Stand Up teaches us how to shop with some simple tricks to avoid food waste. Through our behaviour and choices, we as consumers can help reduce and prevent food waste.

Reduce food waste at home: learn how to recognise the shelf life of different foods (leaflet)

The LIFE – Food Waste Stand Up project teaches us how to read labels and understand the expiry date of food to avoid waste. Through our behaviour and choices, we as consumers can help reduce and prevent food waste.

The webinar meeting took place on 18/12/2020

The REthinkWASTE project, which received funding from the LIFE Programme of the European Union, will be carried on in 2019-2022 with the main objective to endow public authorities with a “plug and play” model based on “Pay-as-you-throw” (PAYT) and “Know-as-you-throw” (KAYT) approach.

The goal is to increase the separate collection of waste, reduce residual waste per capita and boost the recovery rate, whilst simultaneously cutting the average household waste bill.

The webinar meeting took place on 22/10/2021

How to store leftovers (leaflet)

WASTEless teaches us how to store our leftovers considering the storage capacity of each food item in the fridge and freezer.

Video: ‘Do not take more than you can eat’

WASTEless made a short video on preventing food waste.

The webinar meeting took place on 11/11/2021

Food donation platform

The Boroume in Greece project created a platform for food donors to work together to reduce food waste and support our fellow human beings in need.

The webinar meeting took place on 29/06/2022

The three-year project, which started in January 2022, is coordinated by Barilla Foundation in partnership with ALMA – The School of Italian Culinary Arts (IT), ENAIP NET (IT), JAMK University (FI), and Nutritics (IR).

It aims to contribute to the development and implementation of the EU Climate Policy and the Farm to Fork Strategy by actively involving European chefs as promoters of low emission, nutritious and affordable diets, and to promote a mainstream debate on food as a key factor for climate change mitigation.

Life Climate Smart Chefs | LIFE20 GIC/IT/001708


Educational material:

How chefs can help save the planet

The Life Climate Smart Chefs programme offers educational material for cooks to provide chefs with the knowledge and skills to make more sustainable food choices.

The FOODprint campaign participated in a networking event on 5 July 2022

Press release

Life Foster| LIFE 17/GIE/IT/000579


Co-financed by the EU Commission LIFE Programme and led by the Italian network for VET, ENAIP NET, the LIFE FOSTER project aims at reducing waste in the restaurant industry. The project focuses on these main fields: TRAINING AND EDUCATION, PREVENTION AND COMMUNICATION.

The interconnection between environmental, social and economic dynamics identifies training and education as key instruments to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the UN (SDG 2 Zero Hunger; SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production).

The project is implemented in the following countries: France, Italy, Malta, Spain.

Contact Person: Emanuela Vizzarro International Area – ENAIP NET – ENAIP Veneto

Via A. da Forlì 64/a, 35134, Padova (PD) Tel. +39 0498658925  Mob. +39 3482311954

[email protected] –

Video 9 Easy Steps to Reduce Food Waste at Home

The Life Foster Project with this video teaches us in 9 simple steps how to reduce food waste at home.

The webinar meeting took place on 05/10/2022

The FOODprint partnership together with Zero Waste exchanged experiences through their food waste activities.

The Facebook Group organizes workshops for children and other awareness raising events. The FOODprint campaign promoted the overall project and gave access to the educational material for children prepared by the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute.

The webinar meeting took place on 09/10/2022

Wasteless is a specialized service for hypermarkets. It offers digital applications in pricing, with incremental discounts before the expiry date of products. This formula helps hypermarkets to make offers advantageous to consumers to save money while helping to reduce food waste.


The webinar meeting took place on 17/10/2022

The Life strategic project implemented by the Slovenian Ministry of Environment is based on the links between sustainable mobility, energy efficiency, sustainable land use and practices for the transition to a low-carbon economy. It seeks to contribute to solving one of the most pressing issues of modern societies – the climate crisis.

Care4Climate shared with the FoodPrint campaign their communication strategy and explained the ways they are doing in Slovenia to record food waste. Slovenians are applying a methodology very close to what the European Commission wants to implement.


The webinar meeting took place on 09/12/2022

This is the most important meeting held for the transfer of FOODprint knowledge to LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE which in essence takes the baton for continuing sustainable waste management efforts.

The main objective of Zero Waste CY is to implement the national legislation on waste management and the circular economy by strengthening the full implementation of the National Waste Management Plan and the National Waste Generation Prevention Strategy, addressing the main gaps identified in the Environmental Implementation Review for Cyprus (2019) and the Early Warning Report for Cyprus (2018).

The FOODprint campaign showcased how it developed its communication strategy and will deliver all the material produced and its innovative applications for use by Zero Waste.

The meeting aimed to present the FOODprint campaign and in particular the communication strategy and the products that have been produced. At the same time, FOODprint put the Association of Chefs in contact for further collaboration and networking with the Life Climate Smart Chefs programme in Italy.

The Cyprus Association of Chefs (CAC) is a professional, non-profit organisation that aims to unite chefs and cooks from all over Cyprus in a shared commitment to professional excellence. As an organisation, S.A.K. represents a unified voice on all matters related to professional cooking.

CCA website.

Climate Smart Chefs video on proper food management by Climate Smart Chefs: .

The Life Climate Smart Chefs project aims to contribute to the development and implementation of the EU climate policy and the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy by actively engaging European chefs as advocates for a low-emission, nutritious and affordable diet that reduces environmental impacts, improves public health and addresses food waste. Climate Smart Chefs Italy website:

The webinar meeting was held on 15/12/2022

Technical Education Coordinators in the hotel sector received comprehensive information on FOODprint products for developing activities to reduce food waste in classrooms.

Waste reduction is in the curriculum of technical schools and the acquisition of the applications given by FOODprint was identified as important for the careers of technical education graduates.

Ministry of Education – Technical and Vocational Education

The webinar meeting took place on 19/12/2022

The meeting was of great value in sharing the experiences gained from FOODprint, in particular for the definition of the communication strategy and the implementation of the awareness raising actions.

Greeks and Cypriots agreed to continue networking and sharing empirical experiences during the implementation of their IP programmes.

The integrated LIFE-IP CEI-Greece project aspires to contribute to the implementation of the National Waste Management Plan, the National Waste Prevention Programme and the National Strategy for the Circular Economy. The project highlights a new concept in the waste sector based on the principles of the circular economy, adopting practices and behavioural change to increase the life cycle of products, the conversion of waste into resources and the effective implementation of the waste legislative package.

TV spot:

The Circulargreece project will share together with the FoodPrint campaign and Zero Waste their own research and results (measurements)


The webinar meeting took place on 30/01/2023

The FOODprint team presented the results of the project with an emphasis on knowledge transfer on the organisation of the awareness campaign. Tropec was particularly interested in learning how the campaign was developed and received an information pack and the audiovisual material (TV spots with English subtitles). Tropec collects as raw material from factories producing chocolate, biscuits and other products that are turned into animal feed. The two groups had a special discussion and exchange of views on how consumer attitudes are changing. They agreed on the importance of the legislative measures implemented by the EU.

Trotec’s LIFE F3 project aims to demonstrate, validate and roll out new technologies on an industrial scale to process food waste. LIFE F3 wants to increase the volumes and enable new and complex types of food waste to be recovered and transformed into ingredients for animal feed.

LIFE F3 is an international project between Belgium and France. The project aims to create synergy benefitting resource efficiency and benefacting the Green and Circular Economy of LIFE 2019 to enable Trotec to roll out its innovating technology and processes in other European countries.

Video in Greek:
